featured works

The Life of a Storyteller | Colby-Sawyer Alumni Journal

I walked into the ceremony racing against the clock. The usher handed me a program and I found a seat close to the front. I opened my notebook to a blank page and began to write feverishly as speaker after speaker honored the fallen and shared their personal stories with the room of onlookers. I bolted out of there as soon as I could, rushing home to my laptop…

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“It never rains on graduation day,” she said | LinkedIn

As I walk from my dorm room to the dining hall, I hear the crinkle of my green raincoat as it hugs my body. The hood is over my head, blocking my peripheral vision as it always does. Once inside, from the lower entrance like I’ve done countless times before, I swipe my “smart” card and search for a seat to shed my outer layer.

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